CraftDB wireframes
Database Landing page - admin view
Khamir staff accessing the database see all artisans, organized by craft. They can view the database by name, location, or most recently updated. In this particular wireframe, Block printing has been selected.
Landing page, categories - admin view
Khamir staff can add or remove categories of crafts as the database expands or changes over time.
Artisan Portfolio - admin/buyer view - List view
Khamir staff or a prospective buyer granted access to this page can see a single artisan's portfolio of work
Artisan Portfolio - admin/buyer view - Grid view
The artisan profile page can be viewed either as a list or as a grid
Artisan portfolio - admin view
Khamir staff can merge multiple photos of the same piece of art into a single entry, and can edit biographical info, descriptive text, and privacy settings
Artisan portfolio - public view
Artisan portfolio pages are password protected so that the artisans themselves can determine who gets to see their work
New artisan form - admin view
Khamir staff can add new artisans to the database. These artisans can then start to send in their work via Whatsapp
Individual art page - admin/buyer view
By selecting a piece of work from an artisan's portfolio page, users can see the full size images and text associated with that piece